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France Five Index du Forum
Auteur Message
  Sujet: Some Praise and a friendly suggestion
Malaysian Fan

Réponses: 7
Vus: 29608

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 08 Aoû 2006, 06:09   Sujet: ANTICIPATING
As of now, only God knows what epic proportions the upcoming France Five finale will present! RedFromage, Alex Pilot, Kubeck, Hellot and Nolwenn, I look forward to your performance! It's entertainment ...
  Sujet: DVD Purchase
Malaysian Fan

Réponses: 5
Vus: 23180

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 04 Mai 2005, 13:11   Sujet: DVD Purchase
Bienvenue, Red Fromage and team!

Okay, my brother and I are officially hooked on the F5 concept. Neat! The way you guys make Super Sentai feel like a teenage version of Power Rangers (i.e. minus th ...
Malaysian Fan

Réponses: 8
Vus: 33445

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 26 Avr 2005, 14:36   Sujet: Shift into turbo!
Alright, then, Red Fromage! Chouette I understand the limitations.

I'm surprised your work is not-for-profit; but then again, the episodes are offered free-of-charge over the Internet, which is amazing.. ...
Malaysian Fan

Réponses: 8
Vus: 33445

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 26 Avr 2005, 03:49   Sujet: I WANT THE COSTUMES!
Thank you for the accelerated response, Administrator Red Fromage! Super content

Well, then, how much would I have to give for a duplicate of the <3 or Hmm... costume? Can F5's production team get the suppli ...
Malaysian Fan

Réponses: 8
Vus: 33445

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 25 Avr 2005, 06:28   Sujet: I WANT THE COSTUMES!

For a private production, you guys sure did an awesome job! I'm very impressed! Some of your fight scenes are so sentai-inspired -- you can actually mistake them for Toei's! Keep up the good w ...
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