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France Five Index du Forum
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  Sujet: Episode Five - initial thoughts

Réponses: 3
Vus: 21340

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 27 Jan 2013, 13:49   Sujet: Episode Five - initial thoughts

Saw this, downloaded the subs and watched it last night. Thanks. It helped a lot in understanding what was going on. Chouette
  Sujet: Episode Five - initial thoughts

Réponses: 3
Vus: 21340

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 09 Juin 2012, 11:07   Sujet: Episode Five - initial thoughts
I've now watched episode five twice. I don't understand that much French (to my regret), but I can follow the action and pick up enough words to get the gist of an episode.
Besides, I've watched raw ...
  Sujet: Forum Issue - Glitch in the Universal Translator?

Réponses: 0
Vus: 14484

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 30 Mai 2007, 22:06   Sujet: Forum Issue - Glitch in the Universal Translator?
The language settings on the Forum seem to be not wokring today. The forum's info is all in French regardless of which language I set in my profile.

Has something happened to the main template?
  Sujet: DVD Purchase

Réponses: 5
Vus: 23180

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 26 Oct 2005, 07:31   Sujet: DVD Purchase
Yeah, it's dommage, Mr. Fromage. Na !
But the alternative is to release it on bit torrent as well, when there is time. eMule is kinda dying, too many fake files and worse, fake servers being created b ...
  Sujet: Episode 5 Speculation

Réponses: 2
Vus: 17700

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 21 Juin 2005, 08:08   Sujet: Episode 5 Speculation
Another picture, some more speculation.

Well, now seeing the Professor in from on some sort of technological console here are my main guesses.
- Some of the main HQ survived.
- There's a backup ...
  Sujet: Episode 5 Speculation

Réponses: 2
Vus: 17700

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 20 Mai 2005, 22:14   Sujet: Episode 5 Speculation
The latest photo releases open up some interesting lines of speculation, and seeing that the English Language forum's been a bit quiet of late I thought I'd bring them up. There are several possibilit ...
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