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France Five Index du Forum
Auteur Message
  Sujet: Mais que devient L'episode 5????

Réponses: 60
Vus: 259369

MessageForum: France Five   Posté le: 09 Avr 2011, 23:10   Sujet: Re: Episode 5
Est ce que un jour il va sortir l'épisode 5?Je suis impatient
He he, me too! Super content Na !
  Sujet: Les épisodes

Réponses: 3
Vus: 22820

MessageForum: France Five   Posté le: 09 Sep 2010, 14:42   Sujet: Les épisodes
Merci beaucoup! Chouette
  Sujet: Can somebody upload the episodes in a better quality?

Réponses: 9
Vus: 32035

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 09 Sep 2010, 14:41   Sujet: Can somebody upload the episodes in a better quality?
Merci beaucoup! Chouette
  Sujet: Can somebody upload the episodes in a better quality?

Réponses: 9
Vus: 32035

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 06 Sep 2010, 21:01   Sujet: Can somebody upload the episodes in a better quality?
Actually, all of them you mentioned sound good. But, I have downloaded them from Daylimotion and the quality is very very low. Thanks for showing interest in my request.
  Sujet: Can somebody upload the episodes in a better quality?

Réponses: 9
Vus: 32035

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 29 Aoû 2010, 14:45   Sujet: Can somebody upload the episodes in a better quality?
Please, if someone has all the four episodes, can he/she upload them for example on and post the links here. Also, if anyone has the english subtitles of the 4th episode... it would hel ...
  Sujet: Lexos ?

Réponses: 6
Vus: 28893

MessageForum: France Five   Posté le: 25 Aoû 2010, 11:22   Sujet: Lexos ?
But Extasy is a Greek word and means a drug. I don't know much about it, but I think that in ancient times, it had a different meaning, something about Gods.
  Sujet: Can I ask you something?

Réponses: 2
Vus: 13517

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 25 Aoû 2010, 11:02   Sujet: Can I ask you something?
Thanks for answering. I couldn't find information about it. Well, I understand them (I have my own sentai series too), but I want to learn what will be happen. Will they win? Did silver really died? W ...
  Sujet: Lexos ?

Réponses: 6
Vus: 28893

MessageForum: France Five   Posté le: 04 Aoû 2010, 13:04   Sujet: Lexos ?
Si je ne m'abuse, "lexis" (et non "lexos") signifie "mot" en grec. Ce mot a donné "lexique" ou encore l'adjectif "lexical" dans notre langue.
Yes, yo ...
  Sujet: New Power Rangers animated series in development

Réponses: 1
Vus: 18587

MessageForum: Rien à voir   Posté le: 04 Aoû 2010, 12:50   Sujet: New Power Rangers animated series in development
I think that the project has now stopped. Also, Saban has the Power Rangers now so, I don't think we'll watch an animated season and the Super Sentai won't be left alone!
  Sujet: Power Rangers Finally ENDS !!!!!!

Réponses: 2
Vus: 27417

MessageForum: Rien à voir   Posté le: 04 Aoû 2010, 12:45   Sujet: Power Rangers Finally ENDS !!!!!!
Well, the series didn't end. After RPM, Disney remastered the first season of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and now, Saban hasbought the series again and the Shinkenger are becoming Power Rangers S ...
  Sujet: Can I ask you something?

Réponses: 2
Vus: 13517

MessageForum: Jushi Sentai France Five   Posté le: 04 Aoû 2010, 12:11   Sujet: Can I ask you something?
It's about the 5th episode. I watched a trailer that mentioned that the episode would have been published in 2006. Then, another that mentioned 'Fin 2009'. But, 2009 has passed and I can't find it any ...
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