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un cosplay F5 au US
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Inscrit le: 20 Mar 2005
Messages: 223

MessagePosté le: 07 Nov 2006, 22:15    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Welcom Deka1

I was wondering how does the people when people see you re costume. Do they think you cosplay a "power rangers" or do they know about france five?

P.S: sorry my english is kind of rusty
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 57
Localisation: Anaheim Hills CA, USA

MessagePosté le: 07 Nov 2006, 22:46    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Boy I feell sorry for that guy i took a picture with on the second day, plus when i first saw him, it kinda made me want to have Battlizer for my Red Fromage costume ! Chouette

The Reason why i felt so sorry for him was the fact that...

#1. He's costume was the best, but no one would give him a break !

#2. Every time he tried too take off his helmet, some one would always be there for a picture ! Plus he said that his helmet smelled like crap inside !

#3. it took him 6 long hours just too walk to & through the Main exhibit hall, & walk back too he's hotel room ! (this would take a NonCosplayer just a half hour to do !) Triste

#4. He said when he finally took off his costume after so long, he said he had sore purple marks on both of his sholders !

then later that afternoon he dressed of as Sportacus from LazyTown

Boy that would still be really hard for any one looking good on the outside, & suffering on in the inside ! Na !
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 57
Localisation: Anaheim Hills CA, USA

MessagePosté le: 07 Nov 2006, 23:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I was wondering how does the people when people see you re costume. Do they think you cosplay a "power rangers" or do they know about france five?

Well in the USA, how people view my costume, 100% they all think "Power Rangers" !
There is a only a 5% rate they think sentai, & im sorry to say there is only a 1% rate that think France five !

for example when i worked a SuperMarket in(2004) I told my Co-workers about my idea of cosplaying as "FranceFive" at AX2005, & they all laughed in my face, they called me childish, & told me to straight-up too GROW-UP, & they even mocked me saying "Go Go Power Rangers" in my face !
But i did'nt let them, put me down i still made my dream come true !

The only people really that know about France five are Computer Nerds or Geeks and Tokusatsu Fans, & a few Anime Fans !
in the USA Tokusatsu means nothing, No one really know's anything about SuperSentai, or a japanese version of the power rangers so to call it !

When i tell a American Citizen about France five, they always think about the Saban, & Disney's Power Rangers ! & in there mind they view PowerRangers Crappy, kids show ! they would probley think that PowerRangers, & SuperSentai are the same & they both suck in the same way ! & for some Reason they always they the "American one" was before the "japanese one" !

Im sorry to say this but it's a true, only A few americans know about F5 !
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Inscrit le: 20 Mar 2005
Messages: 223

MessagePosté le: 07 Nov 2006, 23:48    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Well that was the response i imagine you would give me.
But since i d never imagined I would see an american francfive cosplay i thought maybee there would be other surprise like that.
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Le Farfadet Spatial

Inscrit le: 04 Oct 2005
Messages: 261

MessagePosté le: 08 Nov 2006, 09:26    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello everybody out there !

Deka1, as everyone (as far as I am concern), I am very happy you came to post here. And congratulation for your France Five suit, this definitevly is a great job.

It does not suprise me at all that only a few people in US have heard about France Five. Actually, I was very suprise, when I learn about you, that someone in US could be fan enough to cosplay in a Red Fromage suit.

May I ask you something : do you understand french ? If not, can you understand something in France Five ?

Best regards.

The Spacial Sprite
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 57
Localisation: Anaheim Hills CA, USA

MessagePosté le: 08 Nov 2006, 19:46    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

No, i do not understand french, i do understand something about france five ! i understand that it is a good sentai, it the first Sentai made in your country, french designed, & i wonder why my country has done that, the only known American design'ed Ranger was the : "Titanium Lightspeed Rescue Ranger"

I got in to Sentai in (2002), I was like many of those normal Americans, thinking thinking PowerRangers was stuiped,& American made, until one day at High School a japanese friend named tak showed me a SuperSentai Magazine ! i was shocked has looked page by page to see how many Show's there were before the MMPR in (1993) ! this was a time when i had no idea how to use the internet !

Then in later that year I was in the Main Place Mall(Santa Ana), in a Anime store called "Simple Kid's", And i came across my first SuperSentai DVD !
Goaranger vs. SuperSentai

This Movie made me see how different Sentai was from PR, I learn that it was not really for kids(american kids), it more look like it was made for teens, & Young Adults ! I show'ed my high school friends & they liked it ! to bad i would have to wait until 2005(youtube), to truely understand Tokusatsu !

I bought other DVD's from the same store !, I bought them all for $17.99 each, ofcourse i bought them through the month's !

1. Timeranger vs. GoGoV (Bought)
2. Gao Ranger the Movie, Fire Mountain Howls (Bought)
3. Ultraman Cosmos 2 Blue Planet (Christmas Gift)
4. Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla (Bought)

then in "Simple Kid's" Did'nt Sell Tokusatsu Movies any more ! So i tried looking in other Anime store, and all the place I looked they did'nt have, or have never heard of such Japanese shows !

Then in the summer of 2003, i went to Disneyland, & used the internet for the first time at "Innoventions", in Tomorrowland ! typed in "Sentai" ! it Brought me to the "Super Sentai Time Capulse"(or now " website ! i also found other Website's too, like...

1. Japan Hero

then in around late 2003 I got my first internet installed on my computer by my Dad, i would'nt find Francefive until the time episode 4 came out in (2004) !

Well the day i found France five, was the day i watch my first F5 episode ! which was episode 3 ! how I found France five was really by coincidence !

I was on Cyborg's Power, looking under "Power Ranger Teams", looking at fan art ranger picture's, i then i saw "france five" which i did'nt know was a real sentai team !
i clicked on the picture it was based off of ! the picture looked real to be real, so i went to Google, & searched for France five to see if it's real, & that's how i found France five ! Chouette

I watched all the episode's, I thought Ep 2 was the funniest, then after the discovery of france five, call my friend & spred the news of France five to them !
I download france five episodes, & burned them on Cd's ! I gave them to my Friend's, & even watched Francefive at High School, R.O.P., & College !

One of my Friend's that i have known since Elementary School, & we were in R.O.P. together, is still a fan of FranceFive, & a big fan of Star Trek ! his Name is "John French", I even got him to come with me to AX2006 ! plus i even made him a little internet star too !
Yes i was in the crowed too, giving him support ! the language he was singing in was a Star Trek language known as "Klingon", which he is petty good in speaking, as for me... i only know a few word's ! Chouette

Dernière édition par deka1 le 10 Nov 2006, 01:14; édité 2 fois
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Le Farfadet Spatial

Inscrit le: 04 Oct 2005
Messages: 261

MessagePosté le: 09 Nov 2006, 11:08    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello everybody out there !

deka1 a écrit:
No, i do not understand french, i do understand something about france five ! i understand that it is a go sentai, it the first Sentai made in your country, french designed


i would'nt find Francefive until the time episode 4 came out in (2004) !

Well, at least, it seems to me that there is a version of episode 4 with english subtitle. I hope that it is not to much frustrating not to understand what are saying the different characters. Actually, what impress me the most the first time I've seen France Five, it was the qualitly of the dialogues, even if it not has been amateurs movies --- well, if I wanted not to frustrate you, that probably not the best thing to write down...

Anyway, that interessing to see that one can appreciate France Five without understanding french.

i wonder why my country has done that, the only known American design'ed Ranger was the : "Titanium Lightspeed Rescue Ranger"

I can not give you any answer to that question...

Best regards.

The Spacial Sprite
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 57
Localisation: Anaheim Hills CA, USA

MessagePosté le: 09 Jan 2007, 12:23    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I may not know any French, but atleast i know how to make my Costume notesable ! thou only a few people know my costume, Atleast it give's some people a chance to learn about france five, & SuperSentai !

Plus I feel lucky to be in 2 video's

#1. Ax Naruto Sexy jutsu

#2. Klingon Rap

In truth The French Language has nothing to do with anything, All I know is that "France Five" change'd my life ! & If it was'nt for "France Five" i would'nt be the person I am today ! Plus i made my Dream come true, & that was to be the first Cosplayer of "France five" in the USA, & It really happened ! Thank you too all the Dreamers, Creators & makers of France five, you changed a Life !
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Inscrit le: 20 Mar 2005
Messages: 223

MessagePosté le: 09 Jan 2007, 12:52    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Well since you re the only France Cosplayerwe know about, maybee you re the only France five cosplayer in the world.
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 57
Localisation: Anaheim Hills CA, USA

MessagePosté le: 09 Jan 2007, 13:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

no that's not true, I have seen others

I even once saw a picture of a cosplayer of RedFromage from Episode 2 or 3 !

I also once saw pictures of 3 cosplayers dressed up as Glou Man Chou, Extasy, & Warduke !
I Guess you could say FranceFive Cosplayers are out there, but im the only known one & first in the USA, I think the other FranceFive Cosplayers would be from Japan or Europe that what I think, or i could be wrong, I guess will just have too see what happens in the Future, only time will tell ! Chouette
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Ash 2 en 1

Inscrit le: 18 Mai 2005
Messages: 112
Localisation: Quelque part

MessagePosté le: 09 Jan 2007, 20:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Deka it's not a cosplayer... It's the real Red Fromage !
He was at Cartoonist 2002 in Paris and some other french conv since 2002.
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Le Farfadet Spatial

Inscrit le: 04 Oct 2005
Messages: 261

MessagePosté le: 10 Jan 2007, 00:19    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello everybody out there !

deka1 a écrit:

I may not know any French, but atleast i know how to make my Costume notesable ! thou only a few people know my costume,

Well, not only noticable : it seems that, at least in this forum, everyone loves it !

In truth The French Language has nothing to do with anything,

Of course you are right : a few time after ansking my question, I remember that, as an exemple, I never read subtitle of movies, note even the english or german (the two modern languages I speak which are not my mother toungue) speaking ones, but also those whom I can not understand a word... Actually, my question was some kind of stupid.

Best regards.

The Spatial Sprite
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 57
Localisation: Anaheim Hills CA, USA

MessagePosté le: 10 Jan 2007, 10:21    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

the one thing i have always felt like do to my costume, was to add the original Prototype Helmet of RedFromage ! Chouette

Boy thank God you guys did'nt go with that Silver design, that costumes look's almost like "KamenRider Super", & nothing near close to Silvers "Dairanger" Design ! Hmm...

And after AX2006 i Felt like my Costume needed some improvements too it, so i think i want to Add a France five Battlizer too my Costume ! Chouette

I think it would look something similar too France Robo !
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 57
Localisation: Anaheim Hills CA, USA

MessagePosté le: 24 Juil 2007, 05:32    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hey i made it to AX2007 this year, this is my first found picture of this year !
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