France Five le sentai français
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TiggsPanther Visiteur

Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2005 Messages: 6 Localisation: Surrey, England
Posté le: 09 Juin 2012, 11:07 Sujet du message: Episode Five - initial thoughts |
I've now watched episode five twice. I don't understand that much French (to my regret), but I can follow the action and pick up enough words to get the gist of an episode.
Besides, I've watched raw episodes of languages I understand less of and still enjoyed them. And I've watched the previous four France Fives, so I have still made notes on my initial thoughts.
I like the opening sequence, with the black and white flashback and the fade to Zakaral.
I like that, since episode 4, you've had this custom-made yet authentic Sentai-style opening theme song. And the new additional graphics are cool.
I also like that we now go directly into the fallout from the previous episode, and I suspect that this isn't the last we've seen of Aramis.
The floating castle shot is really well done, and the overall feel is of a warzone. Not a good time to take a holiday in Paris...
Nice touch with the japanese reporter fighting with the Panous-Panous.
Enter the hooded Albert. This fight was enjoyable to watch. And the exploding Tamagotchi was a nice touch.
Going through the resistance tunnels gave a good feel of desperation paired with determination. And "upgrading" Margarine is a good was of fixing the issue i remember form the mask in episode 4.
The scene with Zakaral and the Professor was probably the scene where I most regretted my lack of skill in the French language. Just far too much to follow without a translation.
Not a failing of the story. more a failing of myself. I wish my French was better.
Although between this and the reveal of the Lexos Generals, this is where I started to get a hint that Cancrelax was going to do more than just snivel in the corner and supersize the monsters.
Also, Lady Warcry's flashback was a great and believable way to get a scene in with Warduke again.
Same with the flashback to the initial Lexos arrival. Between this and the articles on the blog during filming, I knew we were starting to get some information on the origins of the team.
Nice new Eyecatch. Zakaral looks suitably menacing.
Very nice use of one of the Sentai/Rangers tropes of the usual silent footsoldiers being able to speak when disguised as humans.
And Succulard is gloriously over-the-top in a way that just seems to work for that character.
Very explosive non-stock-footage transformation. And very foreboding. "The final transformation of France Five"
I do still like the fact that the five warriors are named for things that are associated with being French.
Cheese, wine, accordion music, fashion, and we even tend to refer to baguettes and "French Bread" or "French Sticks" here in the UK. I just like the idea of taking these concepts that are seen as representing France, and using them to defend France.
I love the splitscreen battle. This must have had multiple takes and great choreography & editing. Very impressive.
Especially where you get two angles of the same scene. They look like you could have had two cameras shooting the exact same event, expect that the angles look like you're looking at where the other camera would have been. Very well done.
Lady Warcry seems exactly as powerful as you'd expect from the daughter of Warduke. And I like the idea of a cheesebomb. using the wax-strip as a trigger? Classic!
I like Canrelax taking to teh field. And a very ncie, and creepy, reveal for Grande-Crelax. This entire battle has a lovely sense of scale. It seems like a decisive showdown. France's defenders versus Lexos' finest.
And a great use of Margarine. Talk about concealed weapon. And a new form for the France Five. Sweet!
All in all, I really enjoyed this episode. And I'm glad that there is a little more to come, even if there is another wait for the rest. And having a "coming next" sequence as a nice touch.
This might have been a long time coming, but it was enjoyable now it has arrived. As and when subtitles arrive, i might well revisit my thoughts once I know what's going on.  |
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Aptarus Visiteur
Inscrit le: 07 Aoû 2012 Messages: 2
Posté le: 16 Jan 2013, 23:36 Sujet du message: |
Just in case you're following this thread, as it's kind of a late answer, we did some English subtitles that could interest you :
Sorry, it's bad English written by a French guy with help of ther FRENCH people, but I hope it's still enjoyable. |
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TiggsPanther Visiteur

Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2005 Messages: 6 Localisation: Surrey, England
Posté le: 27 Jan 2013, 13:49 Sujet du message: |
Saw this, downloaded the subs and watched it last night. Thanks. It helped a lot in understanding what was going on.  |
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AkshayKumar Visiteur
Inscrit le: 10 Jan 2017 Messages: 1
Posté le: 10 Jan 2017, 07:07 Sujet du message: |
TiggsPanther a écrit: | Fantastic!
Saw this, downloaded the subs and watched it last night. Thanks. It helped a lot in understanding what was going on.  |
Your site is truly cool and this is an incredible rousing article. Much thanks to you to such an extent. |
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