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Episode 5 Speculation

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Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2005
Messages: 6
Localisation: Surrey, England

MessagePosté le: 20 Mai 2005, 22:14    Sujet du message: Episode 5 Speculation Répondre en citant

The latest photo releases open up some interesting lines of speculation, and seeing that the English Language forum's been a bit quiet of late I thought I'd bring them up. There are several possibilities that spring to mind, possibly none of which are right. But if we start on what we have seen.

1 - Zakaral apparently in the past.
2 - Antoine facing himself.
3 - Thierry and Albert looking at F5 morphers for what looks like the first time.

This suggests to me three main possibilities. Each, however, seems to carry a few problems.

a) Episode 5 features a flashback to when the team first got recruited.
Pro: Would explain why Thierry and Albert look like they've never seen a morpher before in their lives.
Con: Doesn't explain Zakaral.

2) Alternate timeline. Possibly caused by Zakaral's actions in the past. Somehow Antoine gets to the alternate present, and tries to recruit the alternates of his teammates.
Pro: Explains all of the above.
Con: Unsure as to whether Zakaral in the past was time-travel or a previous visit to Earth. Also one small detail. (see below)

3) Antoine travels back to the day Sophie was abducted, and recruits the rest of the team to help get her back earlier.
Pro: Solves the above issues and also has one important continuity tie. In the photo posted May 5th Antoine's double is wearing the same clothing as he was in #4's flashback.
Con: Isn't changing the past a bad thing?

Anyway, those are my guesses. Chances are they're well off-base, but what are other people's theories?

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Inscrit le: 20 Mar 2005
Messages: 194
Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: 20 Mai 2005, 23:56    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I won't hint at anything, but have fun speculating. Clin d'oeil
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Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2005
Messages: 6
Localisation: Surrey, England

MessagePosté le: 21 Juin 2005, 08:08    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Another picture, some more speculation.

Well, now seeing the Professor in from on some sort of technological console here are my main guesses.
- Some of the main HQ survived.
- There's a backup control room somewhere.
- They've got the Prof helping edit this episode. (The console looks like an editing tool?)
- It's a flashback to Sophie's abduction again.

That last one only just occured to me. I was trying to work out how an earlier control room would feature a Professor who looks like he's been involved in a battle. However that particular day might well explain it.

Still not sure about Zakaral's appearance a few news stories back. It's too easy to see a familiar person in the past antd automatically assume time-travel. Having said that, I can't remember Zakaral saying whether he'd been to Earth before.

Once again I wouldn't be surprised if my guesses were really wrong. But I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.
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